Crassula Gollum Jade, also known as Ovata Gollum, is in the genus Crassula and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The name “Gollum” is taken from one of the characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

Because of its peculiar foliage, Crassula Gollum Jade is famous by many names, such as Finger Jade and Trumpet Jade. Recently, it has been called Shrek Ears or Ogres Ears.

Crassula Gollum Jade is often mistaken as Hobbit jade because they are both similar-looking succulents. They both have unusual-looking foliage, and you can see why they are often mistaken for one another.

However, if you look closely at their leaves, you can distinguish the difference between the two plants. The Hobbit Jade has a curve on the back around the leaves, while the Gollum Jade leaves are almost tubular with a reddish tint.

Crassula Gollum Jade Infographic

Crassula Gollum Jade Care Guide

Crassula Gollum Jade is a great plant to have because they are an easy and low-maintenance plant. They are perfect for beginners and lazy or forgetful gardeners. They don’t require much effort and attention to make them thrive. 

The following essential care guides will help you in your Gollum Jade growing journey.

Watering Procedure

Watering Procedure

Generally, watering your plants depends on the seasons and the climate where you live. If you live in humid locations, your plants need fewer waterings. Also, reduce the watering when the weather cools. Water regularly you Jade during spring and summer season. 

Like other succulents, Crassula Gollum Jade can tolerate short periods of drought. When watering your Gollum Jade, water it intensely when the soil is completely dried. Water the soil generously so it will reach the entire roots of your plant.

As a gardener, you should know that overwatering is the most common problem in growing succulents. Always check the moisture of the soil of your Jade before watering. To prevent the soil’s moisture, touch the top inch of the soil mix if it feels scorched.

If you are still unsure when to water your succulents, you can use a moisture meter to ensure you are not overwatering your Jade plant. You can also identify if your Crassula Gollum Jade is not getting enough water. As a result, the leaves will begin to pucker or wrinkle.

Crassula Gollum Jade becomes dormant during fall and winter. Dormancy is a temporary period of slowing the growth of a plant. They wouldn’t need much water during the dormancy period, so make sure to cut back the watering. 

Soil Requirement

Soil Requirement

Jade plants, like Crassula Gollum Jade and Hobbit Jade, prefer well-draining soil. You can use the cactus potting mix available in all Garden Centers, and to make it more fast-draining, add perlite or pumice. 

Some gardeners prefer to make their succulent mix for it is more convenient. Add perlite/pumice or coarse sand to the regular potting mix in one to two ratios.

The soil that you will be using must be well-aerated to prevent overwatering. This type of soil doesn’t hold too much moisture that causing your plant to root rot. 

Lighting Conditions

Lighting Conditions

Crassula Gollum Jade can thrive both indoors and outdoors. If kept indoors, situate them in an area where there is plenty of sunlight. Placing it near south or west-facing windows will work well. 

Keeping them in the shader part of your house will make the color of its foliage dark green and light green with more sun exposure.

If you notice that your Jade plant is suffering from a lack of sunlight, move it to a brighter location. Your Jade can become etiolated if it does not get sufficient light. Etiolated is when your succulent starts to stretched out and becomes leggy. Being etiolated means, they are growing weak or, worse, stunted.

Crassula Gollum Jade prefers approximately four to six hours of bright light every day to maintain the vibrancy of its color. It will not tolerate poor lighting conditions for a prolonged time.

You can use grow lights if your Jade doesn’t receive enough sunlight inside your house. Grow lights supply artificial light for your plants indoors, especially on long dark winters if you live in a colder climate.  

When growing outdoors, place your Crassula Gollum Jade where it can receive full sun to partial shade. But before doing that, your Jade needs to be introduced to direct light moderately to prevent the leaves from burning.

As with other succulents, Gollum Jade does best in locations that receive bright direct sunlight. However, be sure to protect your Jade from the intense heat of the afternoon sun to prevent sunburn.



In locations with colder climates, Jade plants are usually grown in containers indoors. When growing Gollum Jade in containers, it is essential to have good drainage as with other succulents.

In addition, jade plants or succulents generally are susceptible to overwatering, so always consider suitable pots for your plants. Using terracotta and ceramic pots is ideal for growing Gollum Jade.

Crassula Gollum Jade can grow up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide when grown on grounds. However, if grown in containers, Gollum Jade will remain small and cultivated as a bonsai tree. Jade plants are top-heavy, so choose a heavy planter to prevent them from tipping. 



The Crassula Gollum Jade can be grown anywhere as a houseplant. However, they grow best outdoors in mild climates USDA hardiness zones 9-10. They can tolerate mild frost and slightly freezing temperatures but not in long periods.

Therefore, it is best to grow your Jade in containers indoors during winter to protect them from frost if you live in colder climates.

If you can’t bring your Gollum Jade indoors, you can use frost cloth or mini-greenhouses to help them survive in winter. 



Jade plants, in general, can be toxic to pets and children when ingested but not to adults. So if you have pets and children in your house, make sure to put them where they can’t reach your plant. You can also train your pets not to eat your succulents. 



Though fertilizing is not necessary, additional nutrients will help ensure proper growth and encourage blooms. You can also fertilize your Crassula Gollum Jade if it is not growing healthy. Feed your Jade in spring and summer using a weak fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing during winters. 



Most gardeners prune their Jades not just for health but also for aesthetic reasons. However, pruning can expose the plants to potential bacterial damage, which can cause the plant to grow weak and eventually die. Before pruning, consider the possibilities that can happen to your Crassula Gollum Jade. Take note: Prunning is for matured Jade plants only. 

When pruning, check first which part of the plant needs to remove. Then, take a clean pair of pruning shears and cut off the branches or stems you chose. Next, prune the stems to the nearest node. 

Propagating Crassula Gollum Jade

Crassula Gollum Jade is an excellent addition to your succulent collection and can also be an accent piece in your office or home. It is also a great idea to share it with your families and friends as gifts. It also adds a unique shape and texture to any succulent arrangements or even in landscapes.

You can grow your collection of Jades without spending much. Instead of buying new plants, why not consider propagating. While it is a challenging activity, it can also widen your knowledge about growing succulents.

Jade plant varieties are one of the easiest plants to propagate. For example, you can reproduce the Crassula Gollum Jade through stem cuttings or leaves and water propagation. 

Through leaves

When selecting the leaves to propagate, make sure it is a healthy new leaf for a better success rate. The leaves should start developing new roots in about two weeks.

New baby plants will begin to grow after a few more weeks depending on your climate conditions. 

Through Stem Cutting

The easiest way to propagate Crassula Gollum Jade is through stem cutting because it has a higher success rate. First, use a clean knife or pruning shears to cut a small section of a healthy stem.

Allow the cuttings to dry out for few days. Some people use rooting hormones to speed up the process.

Next, put the cut stem into its new pot with well-draining soil and place them in partial shade. Water lightly until roots develop in a few weeks. 

Water Propagation

Another option to propagate Gollum Jade is through water propagation. This method also works well.

First, cut stem a healthy stem put it in a small container with water, and place it in a bright, shaded area.

Then, transfer your plant into the soil once the roots have grown about two inches. 

Crassula Gollum Jade Pests and Problems

Before buying or bringing plants into your home, always check it and the container for signs of pests.

It is best to transfer your plant to a new pot to check the soil and check the roots thoroughly. Always remember not to put your newly bought plants near your other plants. 

To be extra safe, you can quarantine your freshly purchased plants for a month before joining them with others. 

Unfortunately, Jade plants are susceptible to pests and insects. If not treated early, your Jade will die. Always check your Jade every time you water them to prevent problems from spreading.

In growing succulents, few common pests are destructive to your lovely plants.

Mealybugs are seriously deadly to Jade plants if not treated early. They sucked the moisture from the plants, resulting in wrinkly leaves, and eventually dried up your Jade.

Mealybugs are tiny white soft-bodied insects and appear with small, white, cottony, weblike substance. Sometimes you may not notice those tiny insects because they hide in the crevices of the leaves. 

It is easier to dispose of the plant if the infestation is too heavy. If light infestations, pick off mealybugs with cotton tips dipped in alcohol. 

Another option is an organic spray, but make sure to scrape off any wax and insects, which also serves as added protection.  

Aphids are small sap-sucking insects in the superfamily Aphodoidea. You can often see these insects feeding in clusters on new plant growth.

Ants and aphids can form mutually beneficial relationships that make infestations even worse. For example, ants protect aphids from predators in return for honeydew secretions. 

You can treat aphid infestations with a strong jet of water to remove the insects from the plants. You can also use a light soap mixture sprayed on the Crassula Gollum Jade. 



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