While most folks fear snakes, most plant enthusiasts would love to have a SNAKE PLANT in their house.

Snake Plant, also called mother-in-laws tongue, have become favorite plants that most plant lovers collect.

The sword-shaped leaves of the plant, which are waxy and smooth, make it unique from some other plants aside from the fact that it also comes in different varieties like Snake Plant (Sansevieria).

Snake plant is one of the low-maintenance plants; it thrives indoor and outdoor and can often withstand a dry environment. It is a perfect plant for beginners.

Snake Plant Propagation and Growing Tips Infographics


A plant as beautiful as a snake plant is worth sharing and ideal as a gift. So, we must know how to propagate it to continue to share these incredible and unique plants.

Let us consider some necessary steps in propagating Snake Plants.

Rooting a Snake Plant Using Water

Choose mature but not too old leaves and cut them using a garden shear. Please place it in a container tall enough to hold the leaves.

Fill the container with sufficient water to cover a quarter of the leaves. Containers should be placed in a partly shaded place, and water should be changed every two to three days. Wait patiently until roots finally appear.

As soon as roots grow, the rooted leaf can now be planted in a pot using soil with some organic material like peat moss. Bury only a portion of the leaves, preferably as deep as how it is previously planted.


Another way of propagating plants is by cuttings. Roots may grow from plant cuttings, and this is one of the fastest ways; all you need is a tool that you can use to cut the mature leaves.

The process is somewhat like rooting using water, but instead of placing it in a container with water, the snake plant leaf cuttings will be inserted in a pot with moist soil. How do are we going to this? Start by choosing a healthy leaf as a healthy leaf may also produce a healthy plant.

Use a clean garden shear to cut the snake plant leaf. Measure the leaf segment using a ruler and carefully cut about two to three inches long. Make sure to leave a clean flat edge. You can use a pen to make a dot that will serve as a marker.

Let the cuttings stand for a few days, allowing them to dry after being cut before inserting them into a pot of soil. The plant roots will grow naturally after several days or a week. Once cuttings have developed roots, then you can transfer them to an individual pot.


Like other plants, the Snake plant can also be propagated by dividing its pups or stem groups. Do not water the plant before splitting so that the soil will not stick to its roots.

To ensure that the roots will not be hurt while dividing it, you need to remove it from the pot first, remove all the dirt around its roots to make its pup more visible, and dividing will become easier.

Using your hand, gently pull or divide it through segments. After splitting, you can plant it in a separate pot with soil. Put a little amount of water, water it again only when the soil is already dry.


Snake Plant Basic Care

To ensure that the propagated Snake plant will not wither or rot. Let us consider some basic Snake Plant Care requirement:


Use a pot with enough drainage holes. The drainage hole will allow proper water drainage so that the water will dry out quickly.

Poor drainage will prevent the water from leaving the pot and will oversaturate the soil. This may cause the rotting of the snake plant.


Use soil with good drainage, so basically, clay is not ideal for the snake plant since it has poor drainage. You may use a soil mix also formulated for cactus and succulent, or regular potting soil.

If the soil available in your area is clay soil, you may use or mix a small pebble to loosen the soil’s consistency.

Sunlight Requirement

Snake plants require indirect sunlight, but it can also withstand direct light from the sun. Its water requirement also depends on its location. So, if it is placed in an area with intense heat from the sun, the soil will dry up more quickly, so you need to water it more often.

One fantastic thing about the snake plant is that its plant pattern becomes more visible if it is directly hit by the sun, making it more beautiful.

Water Requirement

Snake plants need not be watered daily; overwatering may kill the plant. Ensure that the soil is moist but with not too much water.

Water your snake plant only when you noticed that the soil’s surface is already dry, about every two to three weeks.

If you have overwatered your snake plants, you need to pour the excess water and water into your draining dish to avoid rotting.


Applying fertilizer to your snake plant is not required, but if you prefer to apply some, you may use an organic one.

Coffee ground is one of the ideal fertilizers that you can use for your snake plant; it makes the soil acidic better for the snake plant.


What Make a snake Plant an Amazing Plant

Snake plant cleans indoor air and works even at night. The best samples are 21 Types of Snake Plant Sansevieria for Indoor. It changes Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen, which is an essential gas for our respiration.

This makes it ideal to be placed in bedrooms as it can regulate the airflow. Snake plant is can also absorb irritants like pollutants that trigger allergies so that it will be of great help to people with allergies.

So, what are you waiting for? Let us Propagate Snake Plant.


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