Sunburst Succulent (AEONIUM DECORUM) is one of the attractive succulents you can grow. This plant’s main feature is the bright green leaves with a touch of bright yellow or pinks on each leaf’s edges.

Sunburst Succulent can grow up to 46 cm tall, 61 cm wide, and it is a not cold hardy succulent type. It prefers full sunlight but not hot weather. You can grow Sunburst Succulent indoors; however, make sure that it gets enough sunlight for its growth.

Sunburst Succulent is monocarpic, which means that the mother plant will eventually die after it flowers. During mid-winter to early spring, you can witness the blooming of its pale yellow flower. Most importantly, it is non-toxic to animals or people.

Sunburst Succulent (AEONIUM DECORUM) Care Guide


Only with proper care and guide, you will surely grow a beautiful succulent such as Sunburst Succulent. This article will help each of us know how to take care of our Sunburst Succulent, from watering tips to the maintenance of the growth of your Aeonium decorum.

Because growing a succulent without knowledge is like knocking off a fire without enough water. Below is some helpful care guide for your Sunburst Succulent:

Watering Tips

Aeonium Decorum Watering TipsThe watering tips for this succulent is similar to watering tips for other succulents. The “Soak and Dry Method” watering tips will help you a lot to successfully grow a Sunburst Succulent.

All you have to do is to soak the succulent and let it dry completely before watering again. It is recommended not to regularly water the succulent because of its tiny root, and it might rot quickly.

Where to Plant

Aeonium Decorum Where to PlantSince Sunburst Succulent is not cold-hardy succulent, it is advisable to grow this succulent indoor. You can use a succulent plant container or a preferred pot. The perfect location inside your house to care for a Sunburst Succulent is in the area where the full sunlight reaches.

Just remember that this succulent loves full sunlight and must get 6 hours of daylight each day. It is advisable to position your Sunburst where the morning sun reaches, including the full sunlight.


Aeonium Decorum Cuttings PropagatingJust for the other succulents, there is the recommended cutting for this plant. The easiest and best way to get cuttings or propagate your Sunburst Succulent is by using a clean cutter or scissor.

All you have to do is to take away or cut the rosette away from the mother plant. Please do not plant it right away. Please wait for a few days and let it to callous before replanting it in well-draining soil. Lastly, do the soak and dry watering method appropriately.


Aeonium Decorum FeedingIf you think that only humans and animals are the ones who can eat, think twice. We, as humans, choose our preferred meal every day. Succulents have also preferred food every day. Even plants need to eat to thrive.

Sunburst Succulent needs the scientific term “Photosynthesis,” or the process of plants taking sunlight to make their food. All you have to do is put your succulent in a location where it gets enough sunlight because photosynthesis occurs from sun rays.

Another way to feed your Sunburst is to give them a half-strength fertilizer every month. Do not fertilize your succulent most of the time; it might die.

Soil and Repotting

Aeonium Decorum Soil and RepottingSome succulents die because of the inappropriate use of soil. Taking care of Sunburst Succulent also needs the appropriate soil to grow it beautifully. You can use a mixed soil or a sandy loam because this succulent likes some moisture.

And in terms of repotting your Sunburst, it is advisable to report it every 2 to 3 years using freshly mix soil. And do not forget our soak and dry watering method. Soak the mother plant, let it dry completely before watering again.


Aeonium Decorum GroomingGrooming your Sunburst Succulent will help it live a long life. Just like humans and some other animals, grooming your succulent makes them feel better and alive. Sunburst can reproduce a leggy branch; that is why it must balance its weight.

To help your Sunburst Succulent maintain their average weight, we should cut the large rosettes using a clean cutter or a scissor. 

Control the Pest and Diseases

Aeonium Decorum Control the Pest and DiseasesJust like vegetable plants, succulent plants also experience pest feasting. Your Sunburst Succulent might encounter some common problems like bird bite, mealy bugs, mite, slug, and scale.

To help your Sunburst conquer this pest, you can use neem oil or horticultural soap to clean the mother plant and prevent the danger of a common problem. But always keep in mind that all too much is bad. So, in using soap to your Sunburst, you must carefully use just enough amount of it. If you exceed, your Succulent might experience discoloration, and badly, it might die.

Aside from the common pest that can cause death to your succulent, the most common reason why lots of Sunburst Succulent die is the rotting of its roots.

This article will help you prevent that from happening. If you are owning a Sunburst Succulent, you must plant it in a well-draining clay pot. Use only mixed soil or sandy loam, and do not forget the soak and dry watering method. Also, always check the roots if they are moist and not soggy.

Sunburst Succulent can be remark as a “glimpse of an angel” because after it blooms and let you see its pretty pale yellow flower, it will eventually meet its dying pace. Sad to be told, but that’s the life of Sunburst Succulent.

Though Sunburst Succulent can only live for a short period, it is delightful to own one. Aside from that, this succulent also bruises easily, just like an angel, fragile and soft. But do not worry, because if Sunburst has bruises, it will not harm you or any animals around it. Remember that it is a non-toxic plant, so you should not worry about your children and pets.


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