Spider plant propagation and growing tips – Plant collecting is one of the hobbies that most would love to do because plants can help us relax and go away from our strenuous routine works.

For plant enthusiast who seems to be very busy with their work, they would usually like to collect plants that will not require most of their time.

Spider plant propagation and growing tipsThe Spider Plant is a fast-growing plant and is not so demanding when developing and maintaining it.

See also the Snake Plant that highly recommended in your home.

Spider Plant Infographic

It can survive with less maintenance; plant it in good soil with proper drainage, the appropriate amount of sunlight for sure it will thrive.

This plant is suitable for those who are a beginner and new in plant collecting hobbies and even with people who are not lucky enough to have a green thumb.

You may wonder why it is named Spider Plant. It resembles a spider with baby spiders that arises from its stem creating a web-like structure that is interconnected. Usually, the baby spider plant blooms out first as a white flower.

Different Varieties of Spider Plants

Spider Plant comes in different varieties, and Spider Plant Varieties includes the following:

1. Variegated Spider Plant – most known and is usually present or available throughout the year.

It has cream-like and broad striped, medium-sized leaves and can grow up to about 1-2 feet in length and width.

2. Bonnie – looks almost the same as the Variegated Spider Plant but its leaves look curly. It can develop to about .5 – 1.5 feet.

It is excellent for this plant is placed inside the comfort room, bathrooms, and balconies.

3. Zebra Plant – has yellow-edged leaves that eventually turn into white stripes like the one seen in zebras. It is best if planted in a hanging pot.

4. Variegatum – this variety is famous for planting collectors because its leaves are the opposite of the Variegated Spider Plant.

Its curved leaves are usually white-colored on the side, while its center is dark green. This variety looks good in offices and indoor in your living rooms.

5. Hawaiian Spider Plant – also named Golden Glow because of its glossy leaves. Moist but good drainage soil and fully or partially lighted area is its requirement.

6. Variegated Bonnie Spider Plant – Varigated Bonnie Spider Plant displays domed green leaves with white cream-like edges. This plant also looks good inside your living room. Additionally, some plants are able to live inside our house like Cactus.

How to ensure that your Spider Plant will not wither?

How to ensure that your Spider Plant will not wither

Spider Plant Growing Tips



Water them well but make sure that the soil will not be supersaturated with water as this will result in the rotting of its roots and eventually the plant’s death.

You may allow the soil to dry out first before re-watering. However, you can check the soil’s moisture by touching it. If it sticks to your fingers, it means that it is still wet and doesn’t require watering.

Temperature Requirement

It would be best to place water plants in shaded areas because direct sunlight results in leaves’ drying. Its temperature requirement should be at least 13- 21 C.

Based on its temperature requirement, we can place the Spider Plant plants indoors or outdoors, but overexposure to sunlight may result in the leaves’ tips’ browning.

Soil Requirement

This plant requires soil with good drainage. Loam soil is excellent for these plants due to its proper drainage.

Fertilizer Requirement– this plant does not require an application of fertilizer.

As plant collectors, we also usually aim to increase our collection without spending too much money, and therefore propagating our plants is a big challenge for us plant collectors.

In What Way Can We Propagate a Spider Plant?

Let us look at some easy steps to propagate SPIDER PLANTS.

Spider Plant Propagation

Propagating Spider Plant is usually done using a  Baby spider plant or plantlets. It’s effortless that even kids can do it with minimum supervision. We only need to look for a baby spider plant and cut it using a clean cutting tool to avoid contamination. Pruning should be done carefully, in cutting include the stem where they are attached. Cut Baby spider plant can be propagated in different ways, and let us see how it goes,


Spider Plant Propagation

In propagating using water, here are some tips for propagating baby spider plant

  1. Use unchlorinated water.
  2. Set the plant in the water but make sure that the leaves will not be submerged in water, resulting in leaves’ rotting.
  3. Place the plant in an area with indirect light coming from the sun until roots develop.
  4. Ensure changing the water regularly, and stagnant water can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitos. Avoid using tap water; you can use rainwater or demineralized instead. Do not use water freshly taken from your faucet. Let it stand first to about 24 hours before using it.
  5. If you intend just to let it grow in the water, make sure that the only portion of the plant submerged in the water is its root.


Spider Plant Propagation Through Cuttings in a Pot

In propagating spider plants in a pot,

  • Plant baby spider plant directly into the soil.
  • Be patient while waiting for the plant to develop its roots. Once the root system is stable, you will eventually see that its leaf will start to appear.
  • The soil used should be moist, but overwatering is a big no.


Propagating Baby Spider Plant Without Removing it to its Mother Plant

Like us humans’, mothers will love it if their children will not move away from them. In this process, the baby spider plant will not take away from its mother.

  1. The baby spider plant will contact the soil or a pot placed beside the mother plant.
  2. Eventually, the baby spider plant will be developed and grow as big as the mother plant. The Baby Spider plant can get nutrients from its pot and at the same time still get it from its mother plant.
  3. Finally, as the Baby Spider plants develop their root system, they can already be separated and cut away from their mother plant.

Spider plant propagation and growing are not difficult because it can stand in different environmental conditions requiring minimal effort, unlike any other plant.


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