Caladiums have captivated the heart of most plant enthusiasts because of their beautiful color and shape.

It comes in different colors and patterns. To name a few, Heart of Jesus, Angel Wings, and Elephant Ear are some of the Caladiums worth collecting.

Caladiums can be grown indoor because it prefers a moderate amount of sunlight. Exposing it to the sun for two to three hours is perfectly fine for most varieties of Caladiums.

How to Propagate Caladiums

It can be grown outdoor, making sure that it is not directly hit by direct sunlight because it may cause its leaf to burn.

So, if placed outdoor, make sure that it is potted to change its location depending on light condition and make sure that it gets some shade during the hottest time of the day.

Depending on its varieties, some thrive best in full and partly shaded places. Caladiums need to be watered occasionally, especially if it is placed in a dry place. It also becomes thirsty if it is placed under the sun so never let the soil dries out.

Do not over-water it; if you notice that the leaves start to wither or become brown, stop watering it.

When you have children or pets around, do not let them play with the caladium plants because all parts of them are poisonous. Since caladiums are low maintenance compared to some other plants, many plant collectors love them and, of course, would love to propagate them.


Caladiums can be propagated easily by dividing and repotting them. Repotting uses a new bigger pot, so it has more space so that it can propagate freely.

Dividing is separating the plants from one pot into two or more. Propagation of caladium is as easy as counting 1,2 and 3. Let us take a look at how we will do it by considering some easy steps.

How to Propagate Caladiums



1. Removal of the Caladium from its pot

Removal of the Caladium from its pot

Removing the whole plant from its pot is the first step in propagating it. Doing so will make it easier to divide the plants since roots will be exposed and seen as removed from the pot. If you intend to propagate your Caladiums, you should not water them yet, so that the soil will not become sticky and the roots will come out and becomes more visible. However, it can also be propagated without removing it from the pot by digging the soil. The majority preferred to remove it from the pot so that the plant’s roots will not be damaged when you used a shovel or any garden tool as you dig on it. Damaging the roots may result in unsuccessful propagation.

2. Caladium Stem Separation

Caladium Stem Separation

Caladium stems are usually in a group. Examine and look closely at its stem group before dividing it. Looking at its stem group closely makes it easier to separate because this will tell you where you will divide it. How are we going to do it? Divide it using your hands and gently pull it off to separate it by stem group. Ensure that each stem group has its roots. Stem belonging to one group should not be divided because it does not have roots. This will make the plant wither and eventually die.

3. Placing the Caladium stem groups into a pot

Placing the Caladium stem groups into a pot

Separate stem groups should be potted separately. Your newly potted group of stems may be placed in different spots of your house and can even be given as a gift to your friend and relatives who are plant collectors like you.

4. Fill your pots with soil

Fill your pots with soil

Pots of caladium stems should be filled with soil. Plant caladium infertile and good garden soil. Garden soil fertility can be enhanced by using some organic fertilizer. Caladiums do not need a lot of fertilizer, so organic fertilizer is better than using an inorganic one, for it may burn the leaves. After putting some soil in your pots of the Caladium plant, you can stick and bind it into the stick to help the Caladium stem stand. This supports the stems because Caladium stems are usually soft and bend easily without support. Their leaves usually bend as it tries to catch some sunlight. Use a pot that has enough drainage holes.

5. Natural propagation through its bulb

Natural propagation through its bulb

Caladiums that are matured may also have bulbs that appear like potatoes. Stems may grow from this bulb. So, if you happen to see bulbs from a caladium plant, you can place it on top of the soil and wait until it grows and allow it to propagate on its own through its bulb. Just be patient because, after a few weeks, its beautiful leaves will grow one after the other. Propagating Caladiums through its bulbs is more exciting than dividing and repotting its stem groups. Caladium bulbs can be collected under the soil. Once collected, it must be placed on top of the soil for it to grow faster. The pointed part of the bulb should be placed on top, on the flat part of the soil, and should only be half-buried. The exposed part of the bulb will grow after a few weeks.

6. Watering your new plants propagated

Watering your new plants propagated

A newly potted Caladium plant should be watered. After all the processes you have done to propagate it, they need to be hydrated like us humans. Propagating may disturb the plant’s roots and stress them, and result in the plants’ death. So, they deserve to be nourished and be given their essential needs, which is water. Water your Caladium plant occasionally, keep the soil evenly moist. Leaves of the Caladium may become yellow and eventually drop down if its soil dries out. How can we keep the soil moist? We can do mulching by covering it with any organic material like dry leaves that may shield the surface from direct sunlight and prevents the soil from drying out.


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