Different types of Aeonium Succulents are well-known for having big and fleshy petals of leaves. This kind of succulent is one of the favorites of every plant lover because of its green, yellow, or garnet leaves; this succulent is lovely.

Aeonium Succulents is native to Canary Islands, Africa. Aeonium Succulent, also known as Tree Houseleek, originated from the Greek word “aionos,” which means “ageless.”You can typically find Aeonium Succulents in this country.

Also, this succulent mostly grows up to 2 to 60 inches. It has about 35 succulent plant species. In some parts of the globe, you can see a magenta-black Aeonium, which is very rare. Aeonium Succulents blossom in a mild and dry climate.

You can also read the 15 Popular Types of Echeveria Succulent.


14 Different Types of Aeonium Succulents

Just like other species of succulents, Aeonium Succulents also have different types. In this article, you will know the different kinds of Aeonium Succulents. As one of the increasing lovers of succulents, it will help you see a lot. Below is the list of 14 types of Aeonium Succulents:

TYPES OF AEONIUM SUCCULENTS: Aeonium Arboreum var. Rubrolineatum

  1. Aeonium Arboreum var. Rubrolineatum

This type of Aeonium Succulent has beautiful long leaves that are mostly green. But during the winter season, it turns into brownish yellow color with a touch of pretty maroon stripes that marks on each Aeonium Arboreum var. Rubrolineatum attracts the eye of every collector of succulents because of its striking features mentioned above. It also produces an orange flower that appears during summer.



2. Aeonium’ Bronze Medal’

This stunning type of Aeonium Succulents can add life to your everyday mood. Aeonium Bronze Medal has medallion-like compact rosettes that can grow up to 6.2 cm in diameter. When this type of Aeonium Succulent faces an intense light, the leaves reflect a dark bronze color.

Aeonium' Cuneatum

3. Aeonium’ Cuneatum

A type of Aeonium Succulents that has large and no stem leaves is also smooth, and they are usually in grey shine color. Aeonium cuneatum produces a flower just like other types of Aeonium Succulent. The bloom of this succulent is in a bright yellow hue.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium Decorum var. Guarimarense

4. Aeonium Decorum var. Guarimarense (Giant Houseleek)

Aeonium Decorum var. Guardians or also known as the Giant Houseleek is one of the best-known types of Aeonium Succulents. It has a thick stack of leaves that can grow up to 75 cm tall—Aeonium Decorum var. Guardians have leaves that are green with a rosy edging on them. Everyone can enjoy the blooming of its pink flower during late spring.

Aeonium' Emerald Ice.'

5. Aeonium’ Emerald Ice’

One of the most popular and most noticeable types of Aeonium Succulents, Aeonium Emerald Ice, has ample green leaves that make it attractive to every individual. The rosettes of this type of Aeonium Succulent can grow up to 30 cm in diameter.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium x Hybridum

6. Aeonium x Hybridum

Aeonium x hybridum, also known as the Aeonium x Barbatum, is such a pretty type of Aeonium Succulents. It has bright green leaves with a touch of a brown line in the middle of each. It can grow up to 15 cm tall and up to 30 cm wide. During spring, Aeonium x Hybridum produces a golden flower on top of the mother plant’s head.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium Leucoblepharum

7. Aeonium Leucoblepharum

You will fall in love with this type of Aeonium Succulent because of its charm. Together with its multi-branched pointed leaves, you will surely love to own one. The leaves of Aeonium Succulent are usually in a combination of green and reddish-brown color. This type of Aeonium Succulent can grow up to 12.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. It also produces a reddish flower.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium 'Moonburst'

8. Aeonium ‘Moonburst’

One of the most famous types of Aeonium Succulents is the Aeonium Moonburst. Because of its green leaves with yellow stripes and pink edges, this type of Aeonium Succulent became popular. Its leaves have a rounded shape.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium 'Plum Purdy

9. Aeonium ‘Plum Purdy’ (Plum Purdy Aeonium)

Your life will be extraordinary if you have this type of Aeonium Succulents. Its glossy rosettes that are usually in plum color, will add brightness to your garden. Aeonium Plum Purdy can grow up to 90 cm tall. Once its leaves have emerged, it will quickly turn into plum color; how’s that sound? Sounds amazing. It has a bright yellow flower that appears during the spring season.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium Saundersii

10. Aeonium Saundersii (Martian Heads Aeonium)

This beautiful type of Aeonium Succulent can grow up to 30 cm tall. Aeonium Saundersii has a fragile stem with small rosettes attached to it, and the fleshy leaves have a hair-like coat. The hidden scent of this type of Aeonium Succulent can be smell once you crush the plant. Just like the succulents, it also has yellow flowers. Aeonium Succulent produces its bloom during mid-spring.

 Different types of Aeonium Succulents: Aeonium Tabuliforme f. Variegata

11. Aeonium Tabuliforme f. Variegata

Who doesn’t love the appearance of the lotus? Well, this type of Aeonium Succulent will surely give you a glimpse of lotus. Aeonium Tabuliforme f. Variegata has its compact, overlapping leaves that are in starry green and cream color. This succulent can grow up to 5 cm tall and 45cm in diameter.


12. Aeonium ‘Velour’

Who can say no to a chocolate-like succulent called Aeonium Velour? Yes, you heard that right. This type of Aeonium Succulent has the main feature of chocolate-like because its layered leaves are in a deep chocolate hue that gives sweetness to you every morning. Just like the other succulents, Aeonium Velour produces a yellow flower that appears during the summer season. This type of Aeonium succulent can grow up to 60 cm tall.


13. Aeonium ‘Voodoo’ (Giant Red Aeonium)

This type of Aeonium Succulent will remind you of the looks of red cabbage. Its reddish to dark leaves on its stem will add beauty to every corner of every home. The leaves of Aeonium Voodo can grow up to 1.5 cm tall.


14. Aeonium ‘Zwartkin’

The main feature of this type of Aeonium Succulent is the leaves that are dark in color. Aeonium Zwartkin looks like a disc, its rosettes are like a disc, and the newest sprouted leaves are green.

Aeonium Succulents are not that difficult to grow, as some people said. Patience is a virtue; that saying truly works in caring a succulent. Considering the different types of Aeonium Succulent, you can find one that suits your preference.

Either you like a green or a yellow-colored succulent, Aeonium Succulents will give you so many choices to choose from. Now that you discerned the different types of it, it’s your turn to take the next stepping stone in having Aeonium Succulents.


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