Aeonium Lily Pad is a slow-growing succulent native to the Canary Islands with greenish to yellowish flower-like thick leaves and typically have rounded and aligned rosettes. 

As this succulent matures, it can reach up to 30 cm tall.  It also has a small yellow star-shaped flower that can grow in clusters from the rosettes’ middle part. 

Aeonium Lily Pad is a slow-growing succulent, so if you have so much patience, you will enjoy its bloom at the right time. Also, it grows best in full sunlight to partial shade and can grow directly in the ground or containers.


Aeonium Lily Pad Care Guide and Growing Tips

Aeonium Lily Pad Care Guide and Grow Tips

Aeonium Lily Pad requires only little pampering; growing and taking care of them is smooth and straightforward. This succulent is an excellent addition to your collection of plants and will surely stand-out in any garden setting.

Here are some care guide and propagation tips for your Aeonium Lily Pad:


What is the watering method that is best for Aeonium Lily Pad?

Since Aeonium Lily Pad stores water to its stem and leaves, this succulent has a shallow root system and prefers moist but not wet soil. Additional tips for Watering Guide for Aeonium Crested Sunburst are also available

The watering method that is advisable to Aeonium Lily Pad is the soak and dry process. Let the water soak the soil mix, let it dry first before repeating to water your succulent. This watering method is beneficial to your succulent to maintain the moisture on its soil.

Where should Aeonium Lily Pad be planted?

As mentioned above, Aeonium Lily Pad prefers full sunlight to partial shade; make sure to place your succulent in an area where it gets essential sunlight. As long as it gets the needed sunlight, it will grow prettily.

It is best to place this succulent outdoors to get the full sunlight it needs, but growing Aeonium indoor will do as long as you put it in the window area where it can receive enough filtered sunlight. 

What soil is suitable for Aeonium Lily Pad?

Be mindful when selecting what soil to use for Aeonium Lily Pad. Just like with other succulent plants, this also needs well-draining soil.

You can use a combination of sandy loam and potting mix amended with perlite or pumice. Since Aeonium Lily Pad loves some moisture on its soil, you can modify your soil with peat moss to enhance the soil porosity.

How to feed Aeonium Lily Pad?

Feeding your Aeonium Lily Pad is essential, especially during its growing season. Feed your succulent with a half-strength balanced fertilizer every month.

Do not overfeed your Aeonium Lily Pad; it might cause discoloration to the leaves or might die. Also, keep in mind not to feed your succulent plant during its dormancy.

Repotting Aeonium Lily Pad?

If you are growing Aeonium Lily Pad in a container or a pot, repotting is necessary every 2 to 3 years with a fresh sandy loam soil or a regular potting mix. Once repotted, please put it back at the same location where it sunlight reaches.

How to groom Aeonium Lily Pad?      

Grooming your Aeonium Lily Pad is not that hard as you think. To maintain your succulent plant’s healthiness, you must consider grooming it by removing a large leaf to carry its average weight.

Also, understand and follow the watering method so that it can thrive better. Grooming also includes keeping the pot or the container clean and neat.

What are the Pest and Diseases of Aeonium Lily Pad?

Keep an eye out for the pest and diseases from your Aeonium Lily Pad. Most Aeoniums are not immune to pests and diseases.

Fortunately, here are some tips and care guides to keep your succulent plant safe from pests and diseases. Some common problems that can damage your succulent plant are Aphids or Plant Lice, Mealybugs, and Ants. 

AphidsFor Aphids: Aphids cause damage to your Aeonium Lily Pad. They may suck the leaves of your succulent until your succulent dries out and face death. You can prevent that from happening by treating your plant with a mixture of soapy water. You can use liquid dishwashing soap, add water and mix well. Once you already formulated your soapy water, spray onto infested leaves or in an area where you see the bugs and let it dries out.

MealybugsFor Mealybugs: Sadly, Aeonium Lily Pas is prone to mealybugs. Mealybugs can secrete the sugary substance of your succulent plant that needs its growth. As a result, your succulent will lack nutrients and prone to bacterial and fungal infections. The treatment for that is to use a cotton swab and dipped it in rubbing alcohol. Tap the cotton swab with rubbing alcohol directly on the mealybugs; in that way, the mealybugs will eventually die.

AntsFor Ants: Ants do not hurt your succulent, but it is a sign that some other pests are around your succulent. All you have to do is spray your succulent plant with soapy water or insecticidal soap. 

Aside from pests, Aeonium Lily Pad has the primary disease, which is root rot. Root rot may cause death to your succulent plant. The primary reason why Aeonium is experiencing root rot is because of overwatering. So be mindful when you water your succulent plant. 


Aeonium Lily Pad Succulent

How to propagate Aeonium Lily Pad?

Through its Cuttings

Aeonium Lily Pad Through Its Cuttings

The first option for you to propagate your succulent is by cuttings. In propagating Aeonium Lily Pad through cuttings, choose a healthy stem and carefully cut it using a clean knife, cutter, or scissor.

Just like any other succulent, wait for several days to allow it to form callous. Once calloused, plant in well-draining soil and water responsibly. 

Through its Leaves

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Leaves

Another propagation tips for your succulent is by leaves. When propagating your Aeonium Lily Pad by leaves, carefully pick leaves and take away them directly from the main plant.

Ensure that it is a healthy one and no part left on the stem; thus, the propagation will work. Let is calloused for a few days before replanting to a well-draining soil. And keep in mind, do not forget to water your newly planted succulent when the soil dries out.

Through its Offsets

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Offsets

Propagating through offsets is also a cool way but needs a little bit of patience. You will wait for several years for the mother plant to produce a baby plant before performing a propagation.

Once there are offsets, all you have to do is take away the baby plant from the mother plant using a sharp knife or a cutter. Clean and wait for few days to callous before replanting. Water the newly planted succulent when the soil is dry.

Through its Seeds

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Seeds

The last option for you to propagate your Aeonium Lily Pad is through seeds. To propagate from seeds:

  1. Plant your succulent seeds in well-draining soil.
  2. Once you planted the seeds, soak the soil mix but do not sit it into water.
  3. Soak and let the soil dries out before watering again.

Aeonium Lily Pad can give an additional appeal to your garden when you owned one. Since this article hand over some useful care guide and propagation tips, be sure to follow it, and you will succeed in growing your Aeonium Lily Pad. Although this succulent plant is prone to some pests and diseases, you can prevent it by utilizing some tips mentioned above.


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