Aeonium Kiwi is an attractive succulent that will surely capture your attention because of its green and yellow rosettes with rosy pink edges on each leaf.

The Aeonium Kiwi can grow up to 90 cm tall and 90 cm wide, and just like other succulents, it is not cold hardy, and the great thing about this succulent is that it is non-toxic to humans and animals as well.

Aeonium Kiwi is monocarpic, which means that it will eventually face its death once this succulent produced its flower. But no worries, since succulent is capable of propagating, you will still enjoy this succulent plant for years to come.

Aeonium Kiwi Care Guide and Growing Tips

Aeonium Kiwi Care Guide

At first, many people are worried about managing to take care of their Aeonium Kiwi. Good news, because this article will provide so much information on how to take care of Aeonium Kiwi and how to enjoy propagating your succulent. You can read also this Aeonium Crested Sunburst for additional information.

Below are some tips on how to properly grow and care for your Aeonium Kiwi. 

What is the watering method that is best for Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Soak and Dry

Unlike any other plants that consume a lot of water, Aeonium Kiwi has specific water needs. The recommended watering technique for Aeonium Kiwi is to put enough water into the succulent plant and soak.

Before repeating to water the succulent, make sure that the soil is dry. This technique is called the “Soak and Dry” method. It also the same technique in Watering Guide for Aeonium Crested Sunburst.

Where should Aeonium Kiwi be planted?

Aeonium Kiwi Sunlight

Since mentioned above, Aeonium Kiwi is not a cold-hardy succulent plant. Just in case you live in an area that gets colder than 30° F, it is best if you plant your Aeonium Kiwi in a container or instead place it indoors.

But if you live in an area that gets sunny days most of the time, it is recommended to put your Aeonium Kiwi in a location where it can get 6 hours of full sunlight a day. 

What soil is suitable for Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Soil

There are many soils for gardening available in the market, but not all of those soils are compatible with Aeonium Kiwi. However, you can make your soil mixture with different kinds of medium for your succulent plant.

You can use a regular potting mix, but you can also improve your plant’s moisture by adding sand or perlite to the traditional potting mix. You can also use sandy loam for your Aeonium Kiwi. Either you use a regular potting mix or sandy loam, always remember and make sure that the soil drains well.

How to feed Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Feed

Sun requirement is the primary food of Aeonium Kiwi. Feeding this succulent with enough sunlight will help a lot in its growth. Additional to that, the watering schedule also has a significant contribution to growing this succulent.

You can also add to your Kiwi feeding time the half-strength, balanced, liquid fertilizer once a month, especially during its growth development.

Repotting your Aeonium Kiwi

Aeonium Kiwi Repot

Anyone loves refreshment; just like a human being, Aeonium also needs and loves to have a new space. You can repot your succulent plant every few years because it is advisable to repot your succulent plant at the end of the summer season before its dormancy ends. Repotting gives your Aeonium Kiwi a fresh start and a happy life!

How to prune Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Prune

Grooming or pruning your Aeonium is only necessary if you want to treat your succulent plant shape. Usually, this succulent’s rosettes grow close together like a shrub. You can maintain its shape by pruning back the stray stems. It will also keep your succulent plant neat and presentable.

What are the Pest and Diseases of Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Pest

Luckily, Aeonium Kiwi is resistant to pests and diseases. However, still, be mindful of few things to be aware of about your succulent. When growing this succulent, you will notice some crusty brown or black spots on its leaves. Do not worry; it is just sunburned; it is not harmful to your succulent plant, but once your plant gets sunburned, there’s no way to remove the spots.

Prevention is better than cure, as they say. You can prevent that from happening by keeping your succulent plant away from direct sunlight. Yes, this succulent need enough sunlight, but watch out for sunburns too. 

Another problem that your succulent plant may face is root rot. Root rot is very common to Aeonium. You can avoid that if you keep in mind the watering schedule for your plant. Water your succulent whenever the soil dries out. Aside from the fact that this succulent plant is resistant to pest, some pest might harm your succulents, such as follows:

Meal BugsMealybugs: These are insects that have scales and can leave cottony egg sacs on your Aeonium Kiwi. If not threatened, they can give your succulent plant a discoloration. Remove the mealybugs by spraying or washing your Aeonium Kiwi soapy water or insecticidal soap.


AphidsAphids: Just like mealybugs, Aphids sip the sap of your succulent plant. They are tiny and usually live on the undersides of leaves of Aeonium Kiwi. Remove Aphids by using neem oil to your succulent plant.


How to propagate Aeonium Kiwi?

Aeonium Kiwi Propagation

Aeonium Kiwi is a succulent plant where gives you so many options on how you can propagate as much as you can. You can reproduce this succulent through cutting leaves, offsets, or through seeds. Below is the list are some propagation tips for this succulent plant.

By Cuttings

Aeonium Kiwi Cuttings

Replanting or propagating your Aeonium Kiwi from cuttings is not difficult. To do the propagation, you will need a sterilized sharp knife or pair of scissors. Cut out a stem from the Aeonium main plant, let it callous for 2-3 days before replanting on a well-draining soil.

Be alert on the watering schedule of your newly planted succulent. Water the succulent whenever the soil has dried out completely. 

By Leaves

Aeonium Kiwi Leaves

The procedure in propagating through leaves is similar to propagating through cuttings. In doing these propagation tips, take away a healthy fleshy leaf straight from the main plant.

Let it callous for 2-3 days before replanting in well-draining soil. Don’t forget to water when the soil is dry.

By Offsets

Aeonium Kiwi Offsets

Most succulent such as Aeonium Kiwi, produce small offsets after several years. Those offsets propagate a new succulent plant. To reproduce, pluck those offsets from the base of the plant. Wait for several days and let it callous before replanting.

This propagation tip will need a little bit of patience because you will wait for few years to get the offsets.

By Seeds

Aeonium Kiwi Seed

This propagation tip is the easiest of all but needs a lot of effort and time. All you have to do is sow the Aeonium Kiwi seeds in well-draining soil and water whenever the soil dries out. Propagating through seeds can take several weeks or longer; it depends on the growing environment to plant the seeds.

Effort, time, and proper care is the key to success in growing Aeonium Kiwi. When it comes to its useful care guide and propagation tips, we must always remember all the information stated above. Aeonium Kiwi is a distinct succulent plant, and it has different looks that match particular care and love.


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